Do You Want to CHANGE YOUR LIFE but aren’t sure where to start—or whether you have what it takes?
Do you find yourself lying awake at night thinking
Exhausted. Unsure of what to do next, who to ask, or where to turn. Knowing there is more.
Obsessing. Ruminating. Worrying about EVERYTHING. The OVERWHELM. The people-pleasing. The Struggle. The self-doubt. The Shame.
Do you seem to repeat the same dysfunctional relationship patterns – even though they leave you frustrated and hurt?
Do you feel confident going after what you want?
Do you feel worthy enough to know that your failures and your successes don't define you?
Do you take time to dive deep within and lovingly accept yourself and your true desires in truth regardless of what others might think?
If you're like most people, you may be struggling to answer a resounding YES to these questions. It is ok because it all comes down to your MINDSET. Our thoughts form our mindset, and we feel stuck because of our thoughts. No amount of drive and energy will ever compensate for self-sabotage, non-aligned Mindset, and toxic beliefs. You might have been trying every modality from self-help books, affirmations to therapy but you're still stuck trying to get rid of the non-stop mental chatter, the destructive self-sabotaging, and shame. There's a reason...sometimes it's what you can't see that's holding you hostage. We feel stuck because we think we are not good enough, we will fail, we are a fraud, we don't have what it takes ...In her speech at Harvard, Oprah Winfrey said that everyone wants to be validated and that all her guests (from Beyoncé to Georges Bush) would always ask the same question: ''was that ok?''. The desire to love and be loved, to belong, and to feel valued is universal. It does not matter which personal or professional background you come from. The critical inner voice or inner mean girl is not an auditory hallucination. People experience it as thoughts within your head triggered by the fear of not being ENOUGH or feeling like a FRAUD. It is genuinely a UNIVERSAL PROBLEM at the source of all miseries, and it does not spare anyone, not even the rich and the famous. We all grow up thinking that our life purpose is to be a good child, a good sibling, a good student, a good spouse, a good lover, a good colleague, a good parent... It is not true and yet...
Negative thinking is a part of being human, but there are strategies you can use today to rewire your brain. Each of us has a voice of fear called ego, judging our every action and instructing us on living our lives. This disparaging inner voice is an internal enemy that can affect every aspect of your life, including your self-esteem and confidence, your personal and intimate relationships, and your performance and accomplishments. If you are struggling with low self-esteem or feelings of unworthiness, chances are you are experiencing the effects of NON-ALIGNED MINDSET or "stinkin' thinking. "
Why do some people end up in one codependent relationship after another?
Why does a woman with an emotionally distant mother repeat the same pattern with her own children?
Why do so many adult children of alcoholics marry alcoholics?
And why are people who grew up in violent families more likely to repeat these patterns – as abusers or victims of abuse?
On the surface, this doesn’t make any sense. No one who grew up in a dysfunctional family or has been traumatized wants to repeat these patterns.
But we think we deserve to suffer, that we are bad or not enough. We repeat what’s familiar. We repeat what we learned as children. We repeat what was traumatizing in an unconscious effort to gain mastery over it or to be in control as the abuser. We don't know better.
Unfortunately, dysfunctional relationship patterns are learned and passed from one generation to the next. And we will probably repeat them until we heal and repair the underlying trauma or trigger point.
The way we talk to ourselves defines how we view the world and how we interact with it. What you may not realize is that 95% of your brain function is on autopilot--your conscious mind only accounts for 5%. Our subconscious mind processes 40 million bits of information per second, while the conscious mind processes only 40 bits per second. What this REALLY means is that when your conscious mind wants change, your subconscious mind is hardwired to stay in the familiar, so it’s no surprise that your subconscious wins, and you can't achieve lasting change---that's why you have to rewire at the subconscious level.
There are blocks that have been passed down to us, unknowingly generationally, that are literally in our DNA, yes – at the cellular level, and they keep us from receiving the life & biz we desire. With Inner Dialogue® we can replace known and unknown trauma imprints, hardwired habits and beliefs like shame, scarcity, anxiety, overwhelm and limiting beliefs with empowering ones. According to Michigan State University Extension’s Stress Less Research, a person has 80,000 thoughts a day. Ninety percent of these thoughts are ones we have had before, and eighty percent of these are negative. If we are constantly using language that assumes the worst of us or plays on a loop of all the things we've done wrong - our entire world will be affected. Did you know that thinking negatively can cause a cascade of chemicals that can suppress our immune systems and make us not only feel bad but be more susceptible to viruses and bugs? You can't separate the mind and body. What the immune system loves is passion, purpose, calm, and focus. What it absolutely dislikes is intense anxiety and stress. If you want to have strong immunity, it starts with how you think and how you talk to yourself. Every thought you think is a blueprint that your mind and body work to make real. For example, if you’re always telling yourself that you have a memory like a sieve and you can’t find anything, that will come true. If you tell yourself every day, I remember where everything is, that can have a different impact.
When your nervous system is overwhelmed, your emotions feel out of control, and your body is flooded with adrenaline, it’s extremely challenging to behave in a different way. This is in part due to our neurobiology.
You may have heard of the phenomena “neurons which fire together, wire together”. This refers to the way neurons in your brain create stronger, more efficient, and more familiar pathways the more you think about or do something. We’ve all experienced this when we practice a skill. For example, the more you practice piano, the easier it becomes to play.
The brain also creates connections between our feelings and specific situations, people, or places. For example, the smell of cinnamon might transport you back to Xmas memories if all the cakes and cinnamon scented candles created a neural pathway or strong association in your mind between cinnamon and Christmas. Likewise, we repeat maladaptive patterns (of thinking and behaving) because these pathways are the strongest.
If you were abused or neglected as a child, or survived though people-pleasing, the neural pathways for those relationship patterns were strengthened, and your brain becomes accustomed to them. So, you’re likely to seek out relationships with a similar pattern without even realizing it.
Children also need to feel safe. They need parents who are attentive and responsive to their needs. They also need predictability. In dysfunctional families, these things are often lacking. And as a result, children are often tense, anxious, and afraid; they don’t feel safe. As adults, we cope by trying to control other people and situations – so we can regain a sense of safety, and we come back to what we know because it is predictable. I remember this client totally in distress after meeting a man who was treating her well. That's what she wanted on the paper, but that's not what she was used to, because her very definition of love was distorted.
This programming starts to take form very early in our lives. Negative experiences and attitudes we witnessed and internalized during our childhood shape it. Over time, this stream of destructive thoughts and other damaging behaviors begin to create a toxic internal dialogue that breaks down your confidence, self-worth, and self-love. Left unchecked, it can lead to subtle self-sabotage, dependency, neediness, avoidance, fear of abandonment, or depression. We start living our lives stuck and caged in highly functional anxiety and depression. We learn from a very young age to repress and banish our "so-called negative" emotions. I'm excited to teach you the exact opposite of what most of us have been conditioned to think. In this course, we are not releasing anything, but we are learning to OWN OUR EMOTIONS. ALL OF THEM. WE BEFRIEND OUR EGO AND WELCOME HER IN OUR CONSCIOUS LIFE. OUR SHADOW IS US.
Keep in mind that this is NOT your practice life.
This is your story, your legacy.
Just like the programming from your own childhood, how you show up now impacts FUTURE GENERATIONS
So, are you ready to get out of your own way by owning your shame, guilt, fear, and doubts?
I was you, and I, too, felt stuck many times. I used to:
Have a hard time sustaining work-life balance
Say yes to the wrong things
Sometimes wonder whether I was ‘good enough’ or ‘deserving’ of the level of success I really wanted
Sound familiar? Then let me stop you right there—because you are worthy of all that and more! The only thing standing in the way? The same thing that gets in the way for most of us… Ourselves.
I was stuck on the Healing Hamster Wheel of healing? Yes, healing is not a linear process, but maybe it is not working because we refuse to acknowledge the most important piece of the puzzle: OUR EGO, SHADOW, or VOICE OF FEAR. It is such an important part of who we are. I understood very early that voice was my superpower; if only I could OWN IT and by that, I mean OWN MY SHIT. I did not have to be GOOD, to be the LIGHT, to PEOPLE-PLEASE anymore. I discovered very early that I had no choice but to BE ME, to DO ME, and to awaken the BADASS destined for greatness within me UNAPOLOGETICALLY.
I grew up in a very modest but hard-working home, and while I was supported in some ways, I was MASSIVELY LIMITED in others. I was not necessarily destined nor programmed to get into a great business school. Our mentors called our cohort the Elite of France. As usual, I was the only black person in the room amongst a cohort of 153 students. I was young, I was a girl, and had contracted a huge loan to be repaid after my business school. I felt overwhelmed; I won't lie...The Impostor Syndrome kicked in, and I was reminded of my difference. When I went to study economy in Italy for student exchange, the main teacher asked me what I was doing there the first day of the class. I looked at her and told her Blues Brothers style, that "I saw the light and entered." The entire class laughed loudly, and she turned red, went on teaching, and apologized at the end of the course. Quite rapidly, I understood that I had to believe in myself, so I decided to befriend my fears. Somehow, I always knew that there was more for me. I got my first job in a big American Food company after passing through 6 interviews and being told by HR -
''Well, Fana, you did great, we love your energy, but the thing is that you are black..."
I remember freezing for 3 seconds because my Inner Impostor felt validated, and I was so shocked about the comment. Luckily, my Inner Badass took over the control and replied:
"Thank you for updating me on something I already know. Yes, I am black, and unluckily or lucky me, I am also a girl, and I am very young. I belong to 3 minorities. I am aware of that, but it does not define me. It never prevented me from studying, from entering a great business school, or not even getting 6 different persons in your team to validate my application. So, if you choose not to hire me because I am black. Your company is not the company I need to work for. I will find my WAY".
I got the job. He apologized, saying he had to ask the question because I was the first colored person they were hiring for this job and that he just had to make sure that I could handle potential "biased'' clients.
When I left my very successful corporate life in sales and marketing at age 39 and transitioned to a so-called less stable and less paid life as a coach and healer, I was not programmed to do that. Fear kicked again. It was against everything my parents taught me. Yet, trusting my inner voices and embracing my fears saved me once more. There is so much power in surrendering and in radical loving ownership.There is power in inhaling Fear and in outgrowing the need to release it. Fear is part of us. Sadness is part of us. It is ok to feel all our emotions. We have to stop doing the same thing, exiling our inner truth and hoping something will change. When we open a dialogue with the most hidden parts of ourselves and befriend our ego and fear, we start dancing a wild and joyous dance with them. I decided to stop the impossible pursuit of perfection, trust the Universe, and love myself. I replaced confrontation with carefrontation. I could suddenly honor and accept the beauty and perfection of what was given to me in this lifetime. There was no big complicated life purpose. I was the purpose. The WAY, the DESTINATION WAS ME.
Now, I have completely transformed my life from a successful but stressed-out and unhappy corporate lady boss to a super happy Soul-led entrepreneur serving countless people in the process. I found the pearl within. There is a legendary person living inside each one of us. If only we could discover how to access that powerful person. The techniques and modalities I am sharing in this program are the EXACT techniques I have used for myself and my private clients worldwide, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The W.A.Y. Coaching Model™ and Inner Dialogue® has created abundance, alignment, and freedom for more people than I could ever have imagined. Now I want to do the same for you. If you are ready to KNOW WHO YOU ARE and to REINVENT YOURSELF, this program is exactly what you need to do and where to start.
This course is based on Inner Dialogue®, a powerful yet simple non-invasive, interactive and verifiable process to rewire emotional and physical blockages backed by brain-based transformational psychology + neuroscience & plasticity + ancient wisdom, to bring about phenomenal and permanent Mindset change fast. As we learned from the Oscar-winning Pixar movie Inside Out, the mind's multiplicity is natural and normal. Many people don't even know that their inner space exists. But we are a WE, and it is ok. It's messy, but not a mess. Inner Dialogue® proposes a new model of the human psyche that is an adult version of Inside Out, positing that the human psyche has several internal life forces or parts sculpted by evolution, speaking as our inner "voices," with distinct needs, agendas, and emotions. The inner child with its wants and needs, the often angry and fearful voice called Ego or Shadow, expresses its opinion, and several more like higher-self, your inner GPS or inner coach. All our inner voices are equally loveable and have a purpose. They represent our subconscious truth. For example, you might be wanting something at a conscious level, but often it is not what you really want. You might be claiming to want abundance while thinking deep down that money is evil. I feel the depth of our inner world is best captured in this quote by Walt Whitman :
Inner Dialogue® essentially guides you to meet your subconscious personality's hidden voices,giving them each a chance to speak. The Car Lite Therapy™ meditation and the Board Meeting Room (BOA.ME.R®) sessions ARE the backbone of Inner Dialogue®. They create a safe space to consciously make time to meet the inner parts within your psyche. These powerful sessions help you understand the meaning you have attached to past stories and liberate yourself mentally and emotionally. Inner Dialogue® uncovers thought patterns (the wounds) that affect your behaviors and body, put into light their roots, and then reset and update them for a happier life. You heal when you start remembering unapologetically who you truly are. All of these techniques are the foundation of a framework called the W.A.Y.™. The W.A.Y. stands for Who Are You? This blueprint is that of Radical Loving Ownership. It goes beyond acceptance only. There is nothing to release, for you embrace all that you are light and shadow and learn to fall in Love with your Ego. You are going to:
The processes emerged through my years of intuitive counseling, working one-on-one with countless people from all walks of life, from all over the world, to help them heal, transform, evolve, and rise. The W.A.Y.™ is simple, effective, and works fueled by the magic of Truth, Co-Elevation, and Loving Acceptance. The knowledge you gain by digging deep and opening an inner dialogue with your inner selves is a catalyst for CHANGE.
I agree, and I kinda cringe at the fact that it sounds so easy. But it’s not. I won't lie. It takes commitment and hard work. We can break old patterns, but the more you’ve done something, felt something or thought about something, the stronger those neural connections are – and the harder they are to break. When we talk about “rewiring your brain” we really mean forming new neural connections so that new thoughts and behaviors become the norm. When you choose to respond differently or think differently, you’re creating new neural pathways and with repetition, they will become the preferred and comfortable ways of acting and thinking. It is not Magic, and you can do it in 21 days. We will rewire your brain using Inner Dialogue® and W.A.Y. Coaching Model™.
You will:
1) Become more aware of the relationship patterns in your family of origin and understand unspoken rules and roles.
2) Reflect on your own behavior. It’s also important to be aware of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and understand the part you play in your dysfunctional relationships. Ultimately, you’re responsible for your own actions and learning healthier ways to solve problems, get your needs met, and cope with stress.
3) Heal the underlying trauma wounds because you will repeat patterns till you heal and until your emotional wounds and unmet needs are resolved,
4) Learn and practice new skills to master your inner dialogue®. To change our relationship patterns, we also must change our behavior / action.
5) Be kind and lovingly accept yourself. Making significant changes takes a lot out of you. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you slowly make changes, learn new skills, seek new insights, and learn and grow.
As a Mindset & Personal Mastery Coach and Inner Child Doula, N'dèye Fana teaches coaches, healers, visionaries, creatives, and soul-led entrepreneurs, to get out of their own WAY and show up to share their unique gifts with humanity. She does this through a framework called the W.A.Y.™. It stands for Who Are You? It is the most important question to answer. When you do, it opens up an entire world of new possibilities, and once you answer that simple question, you figure out where you stand, where you want to go, and how to get there. Essentially, she helps you rewrite the software of your mind in MINUTES. She is a teacher of Truth—she teaches people how to flex and learn this truth muscle for themselves so they can live sovereign lives that are rooted in and built on who they are. She has guided thousands of people - including CEOs, stay-at-home mums, authors, artists, healers, entrepreneurs, and other coaches to uncover their truth and stop playing small. Her clients call me Magic Woman because her almost uncanny gift is to see the truth of people. She enables their superpowers. She is a guilt and shame slayer, and has spent over 10 years researching neuroplasticity and ancient wisdom to develop a revolutionary method for brain rewiring, and is now focused on helping ambitious success & service-driven women leaders from all over the world reach their highest potential. Before becoming a coach and a healer, he had a prolific sales & marketing career in leading companies of The Fortune Global 500, so she understands the pressures of working in a high-stakes environment. She is also a writer and a painter.
The Foundation of the work is to separate your beautiful self from the wounded parts of you. What and who are you at the core? When are you acting from your truth or from your fear. You will discover the MANY MASKS we wear, called the wounded Ego or Inner critic Archetypes. You will discover the trigger, the typical statement, toxic effects, the underlying fear, and the cure for each wounded Ego Archetype. You will meet yourself in truth, and discover your many inner Saboteurs
Discovering The Wounded Ego Archetypes -
The Perfectionist
The Guilt Tripper
The Impostor
The Victim,
The People Pleaser
The Conformist
The Rebel
The Time Machinist
The Control Freak
The Underminer
The Procrastinator
The Jealous Queen
The Escapist
The Grouch
The Panic Monster
The Drama Queen
The Ascetic
The Temptress or Womanizer
The Savior or Shero
The Rejection & Self-Sabotage Monster
Little Miss Sunshine
The Narcissist
The Abuser
The Puppet
The Comparison Queen
The Holy Shadow Circle - guided meditation and guided online self-reflection journal
The Mascarade Circle - guided meditation + guided online Self-Reflection Journal
We will also discover review the big BS women tell themselves
You will dive deep into your subconscious mind thanks to Inner Dialogue® and meet your different inner parts to identify and clear your limiting beliefs thanks to powerful Inner child healing and Shadow work. By the end of this powerful process, you will know why you have been repeating the same patterns and what you need to unlearn to move forward.
Discovering your inner voices - (guided meditation + online Self-Reflection Journal)
Meeting Your Inner Team to meet the familiar strangers in your head -
Origin and Cognitive Function of Ego to understand that Ego is not your enemy!
Healing Your inner Child to Understand Where your wounds come from
Healing Your Ego to Unlearn What You Have Learned!
Remembering your Inner Sage to step into your power and truth. The Secret is in your heart and you can trust your inner Sage
Chart Your WAY and get ready to befriend your wounded Ego and turn him into the holy shadow. You will learn how to master a toolkit of simple & actionable techniques for an unlimited success-orientated Mindset! Release all limitations and turn Your Inner Critic/ego into your best Ally through the Alchemy of Forgiveness.
Simple Tactics & Daily Strategies– Part 1 to tame your inner critic tantrums!
Simple Tactics & Daily Strategies– Part 2 to tame your inner critic tantrums!
From Ego to Holy Shadow – A path of Self-forgiveness
Replace draining self-judgment with energizing self-acceptance and empathy. Practice the Sage Perspective that every outcome or circumstance can be turned into a gift and opportunity. Become unstoppable by embracing the Path of Loving Acceptance & Ownership of all your inner parts. Switch from Confrontation to Carefrontation. Boost your inner Sage Powers. Turn your Saboteur into an ally. Take full ownership of your life, of your "inner scape", and of the 10 000 voices of fear who make you who you are.
Awaken your Inner GPS with the BOA.ME.R™ Meditations, So You get never get stuck in confusion again! Take Clear-Headed, Laser-Focused Action
Embrace the Path of Loving Acceptance, So You become Unstoppable and fueled by an unlimited mindset!
Experience the Power of Release.
You are struggling with not being enough, fear of rejection, guilt, self-doubt, and inadequacy.
You are an aspiring or current coach, healer, soul-led entrepreneur, or dreamer on the RISE to serve Humanity and feel stuck.
You've been unable to make the changes you desire on your own and want help in making yourself a priority.
You say "yes'' when you want to shout "NO" and need help setting boundaries.
You know deep down you are meant for more but have no idea how to get there and are sometimes scared even to admit what you really want in your life.
You are tired of being your worst enemy and done entertaining negative self-talk or toxic beliefs regarding your body image, value, talent, purpose, or identity.
You wish to turn your fear into unstoppable power.
You’re ready to heal past wounds to create a new life, career, and fulfilling relationships, and want to build the confidence to go all in to what lights you up.
You want to learn how to truly love and accept yourself, own your journey, and feel supported along the journey.
You have entertained the idea that your life is how it is and how it's always going to be.
Daring the W.A.Y.™ to Heal Your Self-Talk is a deep-dive journeying into your own being and soul, a journey back to your truth. For the next 4 weeks, you will receive a short video/audio or a text and an assignment every day.
The material includes guided meditations that are essentially energy healings, as well as exercises and journaling to help you gain or gently create changes you're consciously longing to make. There are also fun exercises, like autoportrait photography, mandala coloring ...You will have a safe space…to share, reflect, and release without judgment. All the sessions will build upon each other to ARCHITECT YOUR GREATEST SELF.
You will be guided step-by-step to learn more about yourself and build a system that will allow you to step into action and design a future of happiness, fulfillment, and success. Truth and Loving Acceptance will be your Medicine. You will have the freedom of a flexible, 100% online program.
By the end of this program, you will gain a thorough understanding of your limiting beliefs and dialogue and heal at will your wounded inner parts. You will turn them into your best allies and manifest an epic life fueled by an unlimited Mindset.
++ 20 daily online lessons including videos or audios ++
(Study wherever you are from the comfort of your own home)
++ Powerful Journaling & Assignments through self-reflection Journals++
(Journaling allows you to deep dive into your mind and to extract the truth)
++ Guided Meditations, visualizations, and inspiring quotes ++
(Discover the Power of Inner Dialogue®, Car Lite Therapy™ Meditations, and Boamer Sessions™ )
++ Analysis of 26 main Wounded Archetypes++
(You will get for each of them, their definition, their symptoms, origin, toxic effects, and cure. You will discover the Perfectionist, the Conformist, the Impostor, the People Pleaser, the Savior, the Control Freak, the Escapist... )
++ Inner Child Healing and Shadow work ++
(Clear blockages and limiting beliefs coming from conditional love, societal norms, religion, mother wound...)
++ Art and Sound Therapy ++
(Selfportrait photography, coloring...)
++ Biweekly Q&A CALL in the exclusive online community of the program participants ++
(supportive community to cheer you on, support you and help you stay accountable)
++ Lifetime access ++
(Access to a relevant program you can revisit anytime)
++100% Money-Back Guarantee ++
(Try risk-free for 7 days before deciding)
++Payment plan available ++
(Choose the most suitable investment)
I agree, and I kinda cringe at the fact that it sounds so easy. But it’s not. I won't lie.
But if you are reading this, it means you are ready. But if there’s a catch, this is it. You must be willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don't serve you. Discipline is important. What will heal you over and over is shutting the world out, and tuning into your individual truth and then taking immediate action & total responsibility from that space. This is for people who want to live life fully and don’t want to waste one more day stuck.
We can break old patterns, but the more you’ve done something, felt something or thought about something, the stronger those neural connections are – and the harder they are to break. When we talk about “rewiring your brain” we really mean forming new neural connections so that new thoughts and behaviors become the norm. When you choose to respond differently or think differently, you’re creating new neural pathways and with repetition, they will become the preferred and comfortable ways of acting and thinking. It is not Magic, and you can do it in 21 days. We will rewire your brain using Inner Dialogue® and W.A.Y. Coaching Model™.
Traditional self-development training tends to have a short-lived impact for 4 reasons:
Through extensive research and fed by clients, The W.A.Y. Method™ and Inner Dialogue® have identified the 26 root-level Saboteurs and a simple and effective way to access the black box: The trigger box. Once you can identify the trigger, the Saboteur, and harness the power of your inner Sage or your Inner Child, you can operate in harmony and synergy. Inner Dialogue® provides a common operating framework system. You learn tools and you have them for life.
All personal and professional development become applications of the Inner Dialogue® system. Whether learning to manage conflicts with your spouse, your colleagues, manage difficult times, or perform better under pressure, you’d apply the same exact operating framework system:
You’d be using one simple framework for a variety of applications, boosting root-level mental and emotional fitness.
This dramatically simplifies personal and professional development. Tools that you can apply to any situation. It works 100% of the time. The concepts are phenomenal as they are a true revelation in the way to think and handle work and life’s challenges.
It’s time for YOU TO LEVEL-UP & create the life and business you love. It’s time to create a container for your wealth and become the alchemist of your own fate. Trust yourself. Yes, you can have a successful soul-led business without living in fear of rejection, scarcity, and lack, and you can fall deeply in love with yourself in the process.
Healing Your Self-Talk Course is life-changing…period! I am so thankful to have come across it. I have always been so hard on myself and allowed those mean voices in my head to lead my life and define my self-worth. Now understanding “Ego” and knowing that ‘I MYSELF” have the ability to change this self-talk is so empowering! Fana also leads inner child healing through this course; which was so incredibly powerful and beneficial. The Inner Dialogue™ meditations are amazing and will blow you away with their ability to provide clarity and insight into your deepest self. This course has been instrumental in my healing, being able to love myself, understand others around me, and follow the path of true joy. I feel like I am better equipped in life to act upon the true voices in my heart (my higher-self) that are telling me to step up and leave my ego behind. This has been especially helpful within the last few weeks. To be open to listening and learning from the BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) community. To take accountability for my part in this and to actually take steps to action; find ways to stand up within my community. Without your course I’m pretty sure my ego would have been on high defence mode (like I am witnessing from a lot of people right now). Thank you for being a beautiful presence in my life. Thank you for teaching and encouraging me and so many others. Thank you for being you on the most authentic level. I have so much love for you and am so glad that we met. I truly can not give this course enough love! Amazing to the core!
Medium and Spiritual Coach ⎮USAI did an Inner Dialogue® Session with Fana, and this session helped me dive deep into the subconscious beliefs I still carry around my stories as a child. Our session greatly impacted bringing awareness to, process these beliefs, and reprogramming them into new positive and empowering perspectives. Fana is a deeply tuned in and compassionate guide to embark on these important journeys together. She holds the safe space so powerfully and is fully in tune with the energy that needs to be processed. She helps to create strong personal confidence and the desire to face any fears with a trusted and capable copilot like Fana in the session. She’s taken me deeper than I have ever gone before in all the work I have done before.
Ezra Mitchell⎮Malaysia
Inner Dialogue® allowed me to heal when I thought it was not possible. Fana will give you all the tools to quickly put a name, face, and identity to the parts of yourself that need to be understood, embraced, and healed. It was empowering to easily get this insight into why we hang on to our ego or feel unable to be without it. Inner Dialogue® is a genius healing modality that takes you through meeting your inner voices and finding out who is driving the car of your life! You get off the hamster wheel and start living your BEST life. I would recommend this for everyone to do.
Arame Sene ⎮ SENEGAL
This was such an eye opening, inspiring, uplifting and life changing work I did on myself through the course. I feel I'm a new me -an upgraded version of myself. I can freely and truly belive in my words when I say - "I'm enough". I found a force in me that is beyond words and I made peace with myself and that in itself is life changing.
Taina O. ⎮ UK
"Fana has been a blessing crossing my path and working with me. Her intuition brought us to work in my shadow person and my inner child. Fana is very knowledgable and fluidly took me through meditation, music and written exercises that changed me. I shifted and released. Fana continues to inspire me to grow and become who I was always meant to be!"
Angel Ann ⎮ USA
"I did a lot of interior work in my life, this course went beyond, I was able to do an deeper inside work, I connected and listened with the parts that needed my support to help me move forward, to evolve. I connected with my energy of love, I listened to me and the synchronicities in my life to help me in my journey were perfect. I was ready to heal because I felt safe to do so with Fana. Thank you Fana, thank you life. Going deep was one of the greatest gifts I ever made to myself. Welcoming my ego and giving it its right place freed me and allowed me to grow, evolve and I felt safe on every stages. This course is all of that and so much more. Give yourself this gift and you will give you and world the best you deserve, allowing yourself to be who you are meant to be in this life. With all my infinite gratitude and love.''
Claudia│Therapist │Spain
"Fana is a wonderfully compassionate teacher. She helps uncover blockages and things that are holding you back from what you truly want in life so that you can grow and heal into your best and most authentic self. Everything she shares has been so helpful to me. I loved your course. It was so so helpful. It helped me become more aware of so many things and helped me release a lot of negativity, criticism, and limiting beliefs. I actually didn’t know it was possible to achieve so much through an online course and I am so happy I was able to take this class. I feel like I have much more clarity and a lot of opportunities have been showing up recently that I probably would have been too fearful to take but now I am much more interested and entertaining new ideas. There is definitely still some fear but I am learning to quiet the fears and shine brighter! I am so glad the universe led me to her somehow! She is magical and inspiring! Thank you Fana!''
"It was life changing for me. Your car metaphor work and the inner child visualization are what helped me look at my inner critic with compassion and a sense of agency. After 4 decades of a mean inner critic, my life changed! I'm a therapist and I have used some of the Inner Dialogue™ proprietary techniques with my clients and they said it was so healing. The exercises helped my clients - teens and adults! Thank you so much."
Jaimie Page│Therapist │USA
This course offers firsthand, hard-won advice for scaling the hurdles that prevent you from controlling that little voice. It’s time to counter those nagging questions that torment you - with positive solutions that empower you.
“Do I know what I want?” Learn how to conquer self-doubt and clarify your goals. Be honest and true to yourself.
“Can I do this?” Yes, you can. This course tells you how to build your confidence from the inside out.
“How do I ask for what I want?” Master the secret to expressing your needs.
“Why can't I do it all?" Stop doing too much to prove yourself, and start equipping and empowering others.
“Who has the time?” Rely on your relationships and networks to get the support you need to tackle anything.
If you’re ready to stop relying on the external world to heal you—join me and others as I guide you in videos, journaling worksheets and live coaching calls on how to heal yourself with the truth of your W.A.Y..
1) Become more aware of the relationship patterns in your family of origin and understand unspoken rules and roles.
2) Reflect on your own behavior. It’s also important to be aware of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and understand the part you play in your dysfunctional relationships. Ultimately, you’re responsible for your own actions and learning healthier ways to solve problems, get your needs met, and cope with stress.
3) Heal the underlying trauma wounds because you will repeat patterns till you heal and until your emotional wounds and unmet needs are resolved,
4) Learn and practice new skills to master your inner dialogue®. To change our relationship patterns, we also must change our behavior / action.
5) Be kind and lovingly accept yourself. Making significant changes takes a lot out of you. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you slowly make changes, learn new skills, seek new insights, and learn and grow.
"I highly recommend taking the course. This course helped me to quite my inner critic and connect to my power. I have gained a strong belief in myself and my capabilities after taking this course. Now I feel that I can take on anything!
Kassidy Mickelle ⎮ Mindset and Identity coach for new mother ⎮USA
"Before this course, I was depriving myself of pleasure, fun, and adequate rest and self care. I would go through cycles and patterns in and out throughout the years where I would do well and then sabatoge and place myself in situations where I neglected myself and ignored my needs. I wasn't aware on a deeper level the archetypes playing out in me really. This course helped me clearly see my patterns more and the stories that were having me repeat my past. It helped me be more aware of my inner critic through these archetypes. This course helped me do the deeper soul work to merge and become one with my Being as well as commit to my highest good. Committing to this course symbolized committing for my highest good and it opened up doors in moving forward. It also meant that I was ready to master my inner critic because that was what I set my intention for in this course. This course helped me free myself more to be myself. Now I feel grateful that I am moving forward more, slowing down to just be here and I look forward to loving myself in more ways than I could have ever imagined. The investment in this course is worth it. I highly encourage you to invest in you.''
''This course has been one of the most transformative things I have done for myself. Learning about the different archetypes of inner critics was eye opening and really helped me understand myself better. The most helpful aspect of the course for me were the Car Lite meditations which allowed me to connect and heal parts of myself that I'd forgotten. After the course I physically have felt lighter and there is a wonderful shift that has occurred in my everyday presence. My self-love is stronger now. Thank you Fana.''
"I just finished your Inner Dialogue course. I loved every piece of it. Your Car Lite Therapy™️ is a masterpiece that helped me visualise and get a new perspective on the different aspects of my personality and on the way I have been living my life. After getting that, it is much easier to decide and control what/how I want it to be. I have been struggling a big part of my life with anxiety, guilt and regrets. Living in the past and fearing the future. Holding a grudge against myself. I can totally say that Healing you Inner Dialogue helped me to quiet my mind and get peace. This dialogue inside of me is much more gentle, kind and loving than before. I think that the last meditation (The Power of Release) will be my everyday morning meditation. Thank you”
Adriana Giovanna Tornar⎮Mexico
"This meditation was a revelation and will change the course of my life and put me back together. It shows you what unwittingly drives our lives. I am grateful beyond words to have found out the truth. I feel freer, more informed and empowered and more in control of my life. The journey is informative, then interesting, and then becomes a revelation and a wow experience ... Everyone should do this meditation.”
- Claire
"This course is a genius healing modality that takes you through the process of meeting your inner voices and finding out who is driving the car of your life! The knowledge you gain by digging deep and asking questions to your inner selves is a catalyst for change.”
- Emily
This is an investment in becoming your own compass, your own GPS, your own medicine.
The W.A.Y. is about unleashing the fearless, unstoppable you. Through this, you can bring out the person you always knew you were destined to be. The W.A.Y. has been successfully providing soft skills that help prevent burnout, breakdowns, depression, and other disabling emotional and mental states. So, If you’re ready to stop relying on the external world to heal you—join me and others as I guide you on how to come home and heal yourself with the truth of who you are.
Keep in mind that this is NOT your practice life.
This is your story, your legacy.
Just like the programming from your own childhood, how you show up now impacts FUTURE GENERATIONS
So, are you ready to get out of your own way by owning your shame, guilt, fear, and doubts?
You’re reading this for a reason—if you needed one more sign that this is not only the time but the work for you—this is it.